Heather Gove is a Licensed Professional Counselor with a strengths based approach. Her focus is working with children, adolescents, and their families.
From the minute children are born they possess the ability to learn amazing skills. They come into this world learning to talk, walk, read, and many other amazing things. They also come into this world having the ability to love others and themselves. As parents we love them and nurture our them. So why, as our children become teens, do they struggle with low confidence and low self-esteem?
The once happy child is now quiet and withdrawn, pointing out all of their chosen flaws. This child may be struggling in school academically and with peers. This child may be argumentative. This child is no longer laughing. Our environment shapes who we become and also shapes how we feel about ourselves. Our teens are faced with many outside pressures telling them how they should act, feel, and look. From magazines, to TV, to peers, to social media, our teens learn to un-love themselves resulting in low self-esteem and low self-confidence.
Studies have shown that when working with teens using CBT, Mindfulness, and Motivational Interviewing teens can learn to love themselves again leading to higher self-esteem and confidence.
If your child is experiencing problems with self-esteem and self-confidence, we may be able to help. You may contact us at contact us at 608-742-5020 and 2639 New Pinery Road, Suite 1 for an appointment. Offering you and your family compassionate and professional advice.